Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A look at some serious birdkeeping...

Here's a nice clip of "growing up flamingo" at the Bronx Zoo:

It's a shame that our companion parrots, who are every bit a wild as flamingos, get so much less in the way of specialized, species-specific, social indoctrination. I suppose the argument can be made that since they're joining a "human flock," and not a parrot flock, such proper indoctrination might be more a hindrance than an advantage, but I don't know. I'd rather learn how to interact with my parrot the way another parrot would, then try to train my parrot to react to me in a more anthropomorphized manner. The information is out there, as are the behavioral specialists, but the industry as a whole doesn't seem to have embraced proper, young parrot socialization as the core issue that it really is.

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