Monday, January 06, 2014

Aqua Vitae Ebook Give Away!

A new year, a new ebook give away! In a blatant, unambiguous and unapologetic attempt to scare up a few good reviews for my latest release, Aqua Vitae, I'll be giving away free copies of the Kindle ebook starting on January 7, 2014 and running until Saturday, Jan. 11th.

Nothing is more important to an independent author than good word-of-mouth, and nothing gets the ball rolling like a pageful of laudatory reviews. I'm confident that the book will do its job - to stimulate your imagination while keeping you entertained for the duration of the read. But I need you to give it a shot.

It's a crowded market out there, with many, many choices (free or otherwise) competing for the reader's eyeballs. All I can do is place it in front of you for free, and hope that it captures and holds your attention. If you enjoy it, all I ask is a few kind words on the book's Amazon page in return.

While you're waiting for the promotion to begin, you can get a head start by reading the first couple of chapters here.

Thanks in advance for your interest and participation. I look forward to hearing your reaction to the book.

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